Submission Deadline
Submission deadline for all awards: May 9, 2025
Submission site will open March 28, 2025
Shwachman Award
The Harry Shwachman award is given by NASPGHAN to a person who has made significant, sustained scientific or educational contributions to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology or nutrition in North America. The award is designed to preferentially honor a member of NASPGHAN for outstanding achievements in the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition. This prestigious award is presented at the NASPGHAN Annual Meeting.
Eligibility: Nominees for the Shwachman award will be judged on the basis of significant sustained scientific or educational contributions to the field. The Shwachman award is distinguished from the Davidson award given by the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Gastroenterology and Nutrition in that the Davidson Award is designed to honor a master clinician and/or educator. The additional criteria for Shwachman nominees are a record of advocacy for child digestive diseases, outstanding administrative service to the field and lifelong scientific or educational contributions to our discipline. While service to NASPGHAN will be positively regarded, service to NASPGHAN is not an a priori requirement of the Shwachman award.
Application Details:
The primary nominator should upload the following by May 9, 2025:
1. Their primary nominating letter
2. Up to two supporting letters
3. Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae
Selection: A 2025 Awards Review Committee will review all active nominations and make recommendations to the NASPGHAN Council who will make the final decision regarding the recipient. The Awards Review committee is comprised of past awardees, and members intentionally selected by leadership to reflect the diversity of our Society.
Nominations will be reconsidered for a total period of three years (two years after the initial nomination). Nominated candidates then will be removed from the list of candidates, but could be reconsidered on the basis of a new nomination.
1987 – Claude C. Roy, MD
1988 – Arnold Silverman, MD
1989 – Murray Davidson, MD
1990 – J. Richard Hamilton, MD
1991 – Otakar Koldovsky, MD, PhD
1992 – Samuel Foman, MD
1993 – Richard J. Grand, MD
1994 – Gerard B. Odell, MD
1995 – W. Allan Walker, MD
1996 – Joyce Gryboski, MD
1997 – John B. Watkins, MD
1998 – Marvin Ament, MD
1999 – William Balistreri, MD
2000 - William Klish, MD
2001 – Jon Vanderhoof, MD
2002 – Buford Nichols, MD
2003 – Peter Durie, MD
2004 – Fayez Ghishan, MD
2005 – Frederick Suchy, MD
2006 – Judith Sondheimer, MD
2007 – Emanuel Lebenthal, MD
2008 – Michael Thaler, MD
2009 – Ronald J. Sokol, MD
2010 – Philip M Sherman, MD
2011 – David Perlmutter, MD
2012 – Alessio Fasano, MD
2013 – Mitchell Cohen, MD
2014 – Peter Whitington, MD
2015 – D. Brent Polk, MD
2016 - Wayne Lencer, MD
2017 - Kathleen B. Schwarz, MD
2018 - John A. Barnard, MD
2019 - Anne Griffiths, MD, FRCPC
2020- Mark E. Lowe, MD, PhD
2021- Glenn T. Furuta, MD
2022 - Carlo Di Lorenzo, MD
2023 - Nicola Jones, MD, PhD
2024 - Susan J. Henning, PhD
Master Educator Award
The NASPGHAN Master Educator Award recognizes individuals who have made a significant and sustained contribution to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and/or nutrition through education scholarship on a national or international basis. This award will be given at the 2025 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
Candidates must be a NASPGHAN member in good standing. Master educators should have dedicated their careers to education and education-related projects and have accomplished a body of work exemplifying dedication to educational pursuits. Most will have had careers spanning at least 10 years.
Nominees will be evaluated based on (Master educators should have contributed to at least 3 areas related to education):
- Design, implementation and/or evaluation of educational innovations such as a new method, process, approach, or technological application that provides a solution to a problem in medical education (degree of innovation, breadth, quality, etc.)
- Research activities in medical education (quality, quantity, funds received, etc.)
- Teaching activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Mentorship and/or advisory activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Educational leadership and/or administration activities (national or international level)
- Curriculum and/or program development activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Learner assessment and/or program evaluation activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Public dissemination of education scholarship, such as presentation at local, regional, national or international meetings
- Scientific publications in medical education
- Impact of the nominee's activities (national or international level
Application Details
- At least 2 nomination letters from members familiar with the nominee’s body of work related to education.
The nominee may solicit letter or nomination may be completed without applicants’ knowledge. We ask that this letter speak to the selection criteria, including a clear statement about the nominee’s achievements in relation to at least one of the criteria above and why he or she is being recommended - Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae
The NASPGHAN Education SIG and Awards Review Committee will review the nominations and make recommendations to the NASPGHAN Council who will make the final decision regarding recipients.
Nominations will be reconsidered for a total period of three years (two years after the initial nomination). Nominated candidates then will be removed from the list of candidates, but could be reconsidered on the basis of a new nomination.
2018 - B Li, MD
2019 - Alan Leichtner, MD, FAAP, MS-HPED
2021 - Praveen Goday, MBBS
2022 - Norberto Rodriguez-Baez, MD
2023 - Jean Molleston, MD
2024 - Marsha Kay, MD, FAAP, FASGE
Margaret Stallings NASPGHAN Distinguished Service Award
The Margaret Stallings NASPGHAN Distinguished Service Award is presented to a member of NASPGHAN in recognition of excellence and service to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition by achieving national and/or international recognition in the field. Both physicians and non-physicians are eligible for this award. These awards will be given at the 2025 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
Distinguished Service Awards are presented to members of NASPGHAN in recognition of excellence and service to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition by achieving national and/or international recognition in the field. Both physicians and non-physicians are eligible for this award. This award will is presented at the NASPGHAN Annual Meeting each year.
Eligibility: Distinguished Service Awards normally will be granted to individuals who have made major contributions to child health in the fields of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology or nutrition. Consideration is particularly given to those individuals whose contributions and service both directly and indirectly have benefitted NASPGHAN, the organization, and/or its members. Awardees should not be members of the NASPGHAN Awards Committee, councilors or officers at the time of selection.
Application Details:
The primary nominator should upload the following by May 9, 2025:
1. Their primary nominating letter
2. Up to two supporting letters
3. Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae
Selection: A 2025 Awards Review Committee will review all active nominations and make recommendations to the NASPGHAN Council who will make the final decision regarding the recipient. The Awards Review committee is comprised of past awardees, and members intentionally selected by leadership to reflect the diversity of our Society.
Nominations will be reconsidered for a total period of three years (two years after the initial nomination). Nominated candidates then will be removed from the list of candidates, but could be reconsidered on the basis of a new nomination.
2003 – Joseph Fitzgerald, MD
2004 – James Keating, MD
2005 – Kathleen Schwarz, MD
2006 – Harvey Sharp, MD
2007 – Susan Henning, PhD
2008 – Richard B. Colletti, MD
2009 – Fredric Daum, MD
2010 – Harland Winter, MD
2011 – Ivor Hill, MD
2012 – Alan Leichtner, MD
2013 – John Udall, MD
2014 – Melvin Heyman, MD
2015 – Kathleen Motil, MD, PhD
2016 - David Gremse, MD
2017 - Eric Sibley, MD, PhD
2018 - Michael R. Narkewicz, MD
2019 - Neal LeLeiko, MD, PhD
2020 - Paul Hyman, MD
2021 - Barry Wershil, MD
2022 - Athos Bousvaros, MD, PhD
2023 - Maria Mascarenhas, MBBS
2024 - George J. Fuchs, III, MD
NASPGHAN Foundation Teri Li Young Educator Award
The Teri Li Young Educator Award recognizes individuals in the first phase of their professional career who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and/or nutrition through education scholarship This award will be given at the 2025 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
Candidates must be a NASPGHAN member in good standing, within ten (10) years of their 1st academic appointment. Please note: If the nominee’s service time has not been continuous please document any leaves to demonstrate that he/she has been in an academic position less than 10 years. Similarly, if the nominee has held academic positions at more than one institution, the total number of years cannot exceed 10 years.
Nominees will be evaluated based on:
- Design, implementation and/or evaluation of educational innovations such as a new method, process, approach, or technological application that provides a solution to a problem in medical education (degree of innovation, quality, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Research activities in medical education (quality, quantity, funds received, etc.)
- Teaching activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Mentorship and/or advisory activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Educational leadership and/or administration activities
- Curriculum and/or program development activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Learner assessment and/or program evaluation activities (quality, quantity, scholarly approach, etc.)
- Public dissemination of education scholarship, (presentation at meetings, etc.)
- Scientific publications in medical education
- Impact of the nominee's activities
Application Details
- Nomination letter
The nominee may solicit letter or nomination may be completed without applicants’ knowledge. We ask that this letter speak to the selection criteria, including a clear statement about the nominee’s achievements in relation to at least one of the criteria above and why they are being recommended. - Nominee’s complete curriculum vitae
The NASPGHAN Education SIG and Awards Review Committee will review the nominations and make recommendations to the NASPGHAN Foundation Executive Board, who will make the final decision regarding recipients.
Nominations will be reconsidered for a total period of three years (two years after the initial nomination). Nominated candidates then will be removed from the list of candidates, but could be reconsidered on the basis of a new nomination.
2012 - Jeannie Huang, MD, MPH
2013 - Christine Waasdorp-Hurtado, MD
2014 – Ruba Abdelhadi, MD, CNSC
2015 – Cary Sauer, MD and Catharine Walsh, MD, MEd, PhD, FRCPC
2016 – Bram Raphael, MD and Aliza Solomon, DO
2017 – Norelle Reilly, MD
2018 – Diana Lerner, MD
2019 – Arvind Srinath, MD, MS
2020 - Daniel Mallon, MD
2021 - Sarah Lusman, MD and Jacob Robson, MD
2022 - Brian McFerron, MD
2023 - Bowel Sounds Team - Temara Hajjat, MBBS; Jennifer Lee, MD; Peter Lu, MD; Jason Silverman, MD, MSc, FRCPC
2024 - Candi Jump, DO