In a special bonus episode, hosts Dr. Jennifer Lee and Dr. Temara Hajjat talk to Dr. John Rosen from Children's Mercy Kansas City about how technology and innovation are integral parts of our work as pediatric gastroenterologists. He explains how we in the pediatric gastroenterologist community (and in the medical community in general) can take an idea and bring it to the clinic where it can impact patient care.
He also talks about the first Baby Shark Tank competition at this year's NASPGHAN Single Topic Symposium, The Next 50 Years: Technology and the Future of Pediatric Gastroenterology. If you or your collaborator are part of NASPGHAN and have an idea you believe will improve how we care for children with gastrointestinal disorders, read more about the competition and submit your innovation by clicking here!
CME for NASPGHAN members is available here!
Learning Objectives
1) To understand the role technology development and innovation play in our work as pediatric gastroenterologists.
2) To understand how to determine whether an idea for medical technology is one worth pursuing and how to protect your idea.
3) To recognize the resources available at many academic institutions that can help guide the physician who has an idea for new medical technology.
As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.
Produced by: Peter Lu
Links from Podcast (not endorsed by Bowel Sounds)
This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!
As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.
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