For more information about what you need to have prepared as a speaker and for additional general information about the meeting, please click here.
Oral Abstract Sessions
Please carefully plan your presentation for an 8-minute talk and a 4-minute period for questions. All rooms will be equipped with an LCD projector with a presentation computer. Please consult the final program for the room assignment. Please be sure to include a disclosure slide in your presentation. Sample slides are also available below.
Instructions for Poster Presentations
A poster session comprises simultaneous information presentations by several investigators. The presenters remain in a fixed location for the specified time period and discuss their research personally with interested individuals, using graphs, diagrams, and photographs, affixed to a 4 x 8 foot poster board to illustrate and communicate their findings.
In a sense, one can think of it as a Science Fair or as browsing through an art museum with the advantage of having the artist explain his or her work to you.
The poster board area is 4' high and 8' wide. Prepare a label for the top of your poster space indicating the title and authors of your presentation. The lettering for the label should not be less than 1 1/2". We will provide a printed "number" identifying each station.
All illustrations should be made up beforehand. Remember that your illustrations must be read from distances of 3 - 5 feet or more. Charts, drawings, and illustrations should be similar to those you would use in making slides, but more heavily drawn.
Do not mount them on heavy board because they may be difficult to keep in position on the poster boards. Hand-lettered material should contain heavy lettering approximately 1" high for minor titles (i.e. questions, methods, conclusions, etc.) and all printing should be a minimum of 1/2". Do not use normal "typewriter-size" type.
Keep illustrated and written materials simple. One or two authors should be in attendance at each poster during the presentation time. Do not allow yourself to be monopolized for an inordinate period of time by a single individual.
A packet containing pushpins will be available. Please do not write or paint on the poster boards.