2025 NASPGHAN Foundation Grants
Submission Site will open March 26, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact grants@naspghan.org.
Grants for all Career Levels
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Amount: $150,000 ($75,000 per year)
Description/Topics: This grant is awarded for studies focused on disorders of carbohydrate (CHO) maldigestion/malabsorption in children, either primary or secondary. Relevant conditions include, but are not limited to, lactose intolerance, congenital sucrose-isomaltase deficiency, congenital enteropathies that impact intestinal epithelial cell function, or inflammatory conditions affecting CHO absorption. Of note, this grant is NOT specifically related to quality of life metrics.
- The principal investigator must be a member in good standing of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition for at least two years at the time of the application. Inclusion of co-investigators or collaborators in other scientific disciplines is encouraged.
- Applicants must hold a faculty position at a North American University or research institute and hold an MD, DO, PhD, MD/PhD or equivalent degree at the time of application.
- The applicant may not hold funding from any granting agency for a project that has an overlapping scientific objective at the time of the award is made or during the two-year period of the award.
- Applicant must not hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant at the start of the award (Mid-December 2025).
- Applications in either the clinical, translational, laboratory or quality improvement sciences are eligible.
Duration: 2 years
Amount: $150,000 ($75,000 per year)
Description/Topics: This grant is for innovative, high-impact research in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. The intent of this research award is to stimulate scientific inquiry in an area that is exceptionally innovative and has the potential to impact the field in a highly novel manner.
- The principal investigator must be a member in good standing of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition for at least two years at the time of the application. Inclusion of co-investigators or collaborators in other scientific disciplines is encouraged.
- Applicants must hold a faculty position at a North American university or research institute and hold an MD, DO, PhD, MD/PhD or equivalent degree.
- The applicant may not hold funding from any granting agency for a project that has an overlapping scientific objective at the time of the award is made or during the two-year period of the award.
- Applicant must not hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant at the start of the award (Mid-December 2025).
- Applications in either the clinical, translational or laboratory sciences are eligible.
Young Investigator Awards
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Amount: $150,000 ($75,000 per year)
Description/Topics: This grant is awarded to support a meritorious clinical, quality improvement, translational or basic science research project related to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, or nutritional disorders of children.
Applicants must:
- Be a NASPGHAN member in good standing for at least two years.
- No more than five years from fellowship completion (fellowship completed between 7/1/2020 – 9/1/2025). Concurrent completion of advanced fellowship training is not allowed for this award (see below for process to request extension to eligibility).
- Hold a full-time faculty position not at the rank of Associate or Full Professor in an academic institution within the United States of America, Mexico or Canada and hold an MD, DO, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent degree at the start of the award by September 1, 2025.
- Not currently hold or previously be a principal investigator or co-principal investigator on a NIH mentored grant such as a K08, K23, an NIH RO1, PO1 (or similar), or an or equivalent Canadian or Mexican grant mechanisms. Those with concurrent or previous institutional career development awards (KL2, K12, or similar) or Foundation grants are eligible to apply if the proposal does not have scientific overlap.
- Not hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant at the start of the award (Mid-December 2025).
Requests for extension of eligibility
Eligibility may be extended for up to a year related to family, parental, or medical leave. Leave for other causes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. To request an extension of eligibility, please provide the following by May 1, 2025 (email documents to Robyn Bailey at rbailey@naspghan.org):
1. A brief summary of the dates and reason for leave (please do not give personal health information). Please see example requests in Section A8 (https://grants.nih.gov/faqs#/early-investigators.htm?anchor=55044)
2. Letter from Human Resources or Division Chief specifying leave dates.
The Committee will provide a response within 4 weeks of the request.
Duration: 2 years
Amount: $150,000 ($75,000 per year)
Description/Topics: This grant is designed to support promising researchers in the early stages of their careers, fostering their potential to contribute significantly to independent research in pediatric eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases. The award will support a meritorious clinical, quality improvement, translational or basic science research project related to pediatric Eosinophilic Esophagitis or other Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders.
Applicants must:
- Be a NASPGHAN member in good standing for at least two years.
- No more than five years from fellowship completion (fellowship completed between 7/1/2020 – 9/1/2025). Concurrent completion of advanced fellowship training is not allowed for this award (see below for process to request extension to eligibility)
- Hold a full-time faculty position not at the rank of Associate or Full Professor in an academic institution within the United States of America, Mexico or Canada and hold an MD, DO, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent degree at the start of the award by September 1, 2025.
- Not currently hold or previously be a principal investigator or co-principal investigator on a NIH mentored grant such as a K08, K23, an NIH RO1, PO1 (or similar), or an or equivalent Canadian or Mexican grant mechanisms. Those with concurrent or previous institutional career development awards (KL2, K12, or similar) or Foundation grants are eligible to apply if the proposal does not have scientific overlap.
- Not hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant at the start of the award (Mid-December 2025).
Requests for extension of eligibility
Eligibility may be extended for up to a year related to family, parental, or medical leave. Leave for other causes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. To request an extension of eligibility, please provide the following by May 1, 2025 (email documents to Robyn Bailey at rbailey@naspghan.org):
1. A brief summary of the dates and reason for leave (please do not give personal health information). Please see example requests in Section A8 (https://grants.nih.gov/faqs#/early-investigators.htm?anchor=55044)
2. Letter from Human Resources or Division Chief specifying leave dates.
The Committee will provide a response within 4 weeks of the request.
Advanced Fellowships
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2025
Duration: 1 year
Amount: $75,000
Description/Topics: This grant will provide direct funding to support one year of advanced training in pediatric nutrition for a NASPGHAN member. Applicants are expected to identify a mentor and a host nutrition research program prior to application for funding. The fellowship must include a well-defined clinical experience as well as a focused research project. Examples of areas for emphasis include but are not limited to: fetal growth and neonatal nutrition, typical development of feeding skills/behaviors and feeding disorders; nutritional aspects of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia; malnutrition and failure to thrive; nutrition education; nutrition in specific systemic diseases or clinical states such as cystic fibrosis, liver disease, intestinal failure, and organ transplantation; nutrition support; community nutrition; nutrition epidemiology; energy homeostasis; nutrition and the microbiome; micronutrient homeostasis; nutrigenomics; obesity; breast milk and breast feeding; and basic laboratory nutritional science.
Duration: 1 year
Amount: $75,000
Description/Topics: This grant will provide direct funding to support one year of advanced training in pediatric endoscopy for a member of NASPGHAN in good standing. Applicants are expected to identify a mentor and a host endoscopy program prior to application for funding. The fellowship must include a well-defined clinical experience as well as a focused research and/or quality improvement project. Examples of areas for training include but are not limited to: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with stenting and/or sphincterotomy, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), advanced approaches to control GI bleeding (sclerotherapy, argon laser, clips, etc), transnasal endoscopy, peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM), esophageal or intestinal stricture dilatation, pancreatic pseudocyst drainage, etc.
Mid-Career Award
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2025
Duration: 2 years
Amount: $100,000 ($50,000 per year)
Description/Topics: This award is designated for NASPGHAN members at the mid-career level who are pursuing research in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. Mid-career level is defined as a faculty member who has held a faculty appointment for at least 5 years at the time of the application, but has not yet reached full professor level. The goal of this award is to support and advance the success of investigators at the mid-career stage of their career.
Applications will be accepted for investigators to:
- Support a new project within an established area of research or
- Support investigation of a new or innovative research area which represents a departure from previously funded research
Applicants must:
- Be a NASPGHAN member in good standing for at least two full years at the time of the application deadline.
- Hold an MD, PhD or equivalent degree (e.g. MB, ChB, MBBS, DO) and a full-time faculty position at a North American institution. Applicants who are at the Instructor, Assistant or Associate level are eligible. Full professors are not eligible.
- Be at least five years from first faculty appointment (start date of first faculty position before 7/1/2020)
- Not have an active R01 (similar or equivalent CIHR or other independent investigator grant) at the time of application. Applicants holding a career development award, such as a K grant, can apply for this mid-career grant during the last two years of the career development award.
- Applicant must not hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant at the start of the award (Mid-December 2025).
Clinical Research/Innovation Awards/Pilot Grants
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2025
Duration: 1 year
Amount: Individual projects requesting up to $25,000 for one year will be considered. Grant range expected can be from $5,000 to $25,000.
Description/Topics: The Celiac Disease Foundation/NASPGHAN Celiac Disease Pilot Grants are designed to encourage and fund pilot projects in North America that address critical issues related to Celiac Disease and gluten-free diet management. The intent with this grant is to support Celiac Disease and gluten-free diet related innovative research or education proposals focused on new research areas that could improve the diagnosis and treatment of Celiac Disease; development of innovative tools or technologies to improve Celiac Disease management; research focused on understanding and improving adherence to the gluten-free diet among individuals with Celiac Disease, and research activities that have the potential to advance the nutrition care of patients and families of children with Celiac Disease.
Applicants must:
- Be a NASPGHAN, APGNN or CPNP full member in good standing for at least one year. APGNN and CPNP members and post-doctoral fellows are invited to submit grant applications under the clinical mentorship of a NASPGHAN member.
- The primary investigator must hold a medical or postdoctoral degree (MD, PhD, or equivalent), an advanced nursing degree (BSN with an MS/PhD), or a degree in Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Dietetics/Nutrition, or Social Work and work full or part time in a clinical or academic setting.
- Investigators at all career stages are encouraged to apply. For individuals with independent funding such as R01, P01 or similar, or recipients of K08, K23 or similar, this pilot funding must represent a departure from current areas of funding.
Duration: 1 year
Amount: Up to two grants, each ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 for a one-year period
The aim of this grant is to encourage and support the development of innovative approaches to optimize the quality of care and health care delivery to children with digestive diseases by the clinically focused pediatric gastroenterologist. The grant will be for a duration of one year and selection criteria include potential impact of the project on patient care and the applicability of the project to the general NASPGHAN community.
Clinically oriented physicians are strongly encouraged to apply.
Applicants must:
- Be a NASPGHAN, APGNN or CPNP member in good standing for at least one year. APGNN and CPNP members and post-doctoral fellows are invited to submit grant applications under the clinical mentorship of a NASPGHAN
- Be employed, either full or part-time, in providing clinical care in the field of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
- Not have independent R01, P01 (or similar) or CIHR operating grant at the time of application. Recipients of U.S. mentored grants such as a K08, K23, or equivalent Canadian or Mexican and National Foundation grants are eligible to apply, if application does not have significant scientific overlap
- Applicant must not hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant at the start of the award (Mid-December 2025).
Nursing/Dietitian/Allied Health Research Awards
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2025
Duration: 1 year
Amount: Up to 3 grants ranging from $500 to $5000
Description/Topics: This grant will support research and/or quality improvement (QI) activities that have the potential to advance nursing care of patients and families of children with gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic or nutritional disorders. Monies are awarded in support of meritorious research and/or QI projects to study the nursing care of families and children with pediatric gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic or nutritional disorders.
APGNN applicant must:
- Be the primary investigator or a co-investigator in the study.
- Be a Registered Nurse with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.
- Be a full member of APGNN in good standing for a minimum of 6 months prior to the application and maintain membership for the duration of the grant and research and/or QI process.
- Be employed, either full time or part time and have a sustained interest in the field of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Nursing in the United States of America, Mexico, or Canada.
- Not have R01, CIHR, P01 (or similar) grant funding; recipients of US mentored grants such as a K08, K23, or equivalent Canadian and Mexican National Foundation grants are eligible to apply.
- Not hold funding from any granting agency for a project with overlapping scientific objectives at the time the grant is made or during the one-year period of the grant.
- Plan to obtain approval from their Institutional Review Board/Review Ethics Board if applicable. Monies will not be distributed until IRB approval is obtained or an IRB letter is submitted indicating the study is exempt from IRB review, with the exception of those IRB's requiring upfront fees with the initial application.
Duration: 1 year
Amount: The NASPGHAN Foundation will award grants ranging from $500 to $5000
Description/Topics: This grant supports research activities that have the potential to advance nutrition care of patients and families of children with nutritional disorders.
CPNP applicant must:
- Be the primary investigator in the study.
- Be a Registered Dietitian with a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and state licensure/certification as applicable.
- Be a full member of CPNP in good standing and maintain membership for the duration of the grant and research process.
- Be employed, either full time or part time and have a sustained interest in the field of pediatric nutrition in the United States of America, Mexico or Canada.
- Not have R01, CIHR, P01 (or similar) grant funding; recipients of US mentored grants such as a K08, K23, or equivalent Canadian and Mexican National Foundation grants are eligible to apply.
- Not hold funding from any granting agency for a project with overlapping scientific objectives at the time the grant is made or during the one-year period of the grant.
- Plan to obtain approval from their Institutional Review Board/Review Ethics Board if applicable. Monies will not be distributed until IRB approval is obtained except for those IRB's requiring upfront fees with the initial application.
Duration: 1 year
Amount: Up to two grants, each ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 for a one-year period
The aim of this grant is to encourage and support the development of innovative approaches to optimize the quality of care and health care delivery to children with digestive diseases by the clinically focused pediatric gastroenterologist. The grant will be for a duration of one year and selection criteria include potential impact of the project on patient care and the applicability of the project to the general NASPGHAN community.
Clinically oriented physicians are strongly encouraged to apply.
Applicants must:
- Be a NASPGHAN, APGNN or CPNP member in good standing for at least one year. APGNN and CPNP members and post-doctoral fellows are invited to submit grant applications under the clinical mentorship of a NASPGHAN
- Be employed, either full or part-time, in providing clinical care in the field of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and
- Not have independent R01, P01 (or similar) or CIHR operating grant at the time of application. Recipients of U.S. mentored grants such as a K08, K23, or equivalent Canadian or Mexican and National Foundation grants are eligible to apply, if application does not have significant scientific
- Applicant must not hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant at the start of the award (Mid-December 2025).
Note: For information on the 2025 Grant cycle, please contact Orlando Green directly at ogreen@crohnscolitisfoundation.org or grant@crohnscolitisfoundation.org.
This three-year grant, in partnership with the NASPGHAN Foundation and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, is available to research fellows or junior faculty. Applications must propose original clinical, translational, epidemiological, or basic scientific research related to pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. Applicants must indicate in their submission for either a Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation Career Development or Research Fellowship Award and that the submission is pediatric IBD-related. This is important for the study to be considered for the joint Crohn's & Colitis Foundation/NASPGHAN IBD Young Investigator award.
Information on the Career Development Award can be found here: Career Development Awards | Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
Information on the Research Fellowship Award can be found here: Research Fellowship Awards | Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
Contact Orlando Green directly at ogreen@crohnscolitisfoundation.org or grant@crohnscolitisfoundation.org for additional information and/or how to apply for this grant. This grant is not administered through the NASPGHAN grant site.