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Bowel Sounds Ep. 6: David Vitale – Utilizing EUS and ERCP in Acute Pancreatitis and Pancreatitis Complications

In this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jenn Lee talk to Dr. David Vitale about EUS and ERCP indications in patients with acute pancreatitis and pancreatitis complications. Dr. Vitale is a pediatric gastroenterologist, the director of the interventional endoscopy center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Medical Center, and an Assistant Professor at the University

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Bowel Sounds Ep. 14: Mike Wilsey – Esophageal Strictures in Children

In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jennifer Lee talk to Dr. Michael Wilsey about the evaluation and management of esophageal strictures in children, including congenital strictures and those arising from eosinophilic esophagitis and caustic ingestions.  Dr. Wilsey is an advanced endoscopist at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL and is

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Bowel Sounds Ep. 23: Looi Ee – The Challenging Colonoscopy: Down Under Edition

In our third international episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Looi Ee about completing the challenging colonoscopy. Dr. Ee is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Queensland Children's Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, and leads the endoscopy and intestinal rehabilitation programs there. She is also the sole pediatric representative on the Conjoint Committee

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Bowel Sounds Ep. 22: Roberto Gugig – Diving Deeper into Pediatric ERCP and EUS

In this episode, Dr. Temara Hajjat and Dr. Jenn Lee discuss with Dr. Roberto Gugig from Stanford's Lucile Packard Children's Hospital the indications, techniques, and potential complications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in pediatric patients. Dr. Gugig is a pediatric gastroenterologist and Professor of Pediatrics who specializes in advanced endoscopy including

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Bowel Sounds Ep. 3: Catharine Walsh – Education in Endoscopy

In this episode, Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Catharine Walsh about teaching and assessing endoscopy skills for learners, touching on ergonomics, cognitive overload and assessment of competence. Dr. Walsh is a pediatric gastroenterologist at SickKids Hospital in Toronto and an education scientist with a primary research focus on examining factors that

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Bowel Sounds Ep. 5: Diana Lerner – Management of Foreign Body Ingestions

In this episode of Bowel Sounds, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Diana Lerner about the management of foreign body ingestions, with a particular focus on button battery ingestions including their rising incidence as well as risk mitigation strategies and public education approaches to reducing harm. As always, the discussion, views,

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Bowel Sounds Ep. 2: Jenifer Lightdale – PEnQuINs and Making Pediatric Endoscopy Safer

In this episode of Bowel Sounds, hosts Dr. Peter Lu, Dr. Jennifer Lee, and Dr. Jason Silverman talk to NASPGHAN’s newly-elected President-Elect, Dr. Jenifer Lightdale. We discuss her work improving quality and safety in pediatric endoscopy.  Hear a brief history of pediatric endoscopy and about the Pediatric Endoscopy Quality Improvement Network (PEnQuIN) – and it's

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Our Partners
The Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Nurses
Help & Hope for Children with Digestive Disorders
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
JPGN Reports