NASPGHAN is excited to announce its DEEP Program – Developing Educators and Expert Presenters.
This course is designed to develop a cohort of expert educators who will have the opportunity to improve their presentation skills and feel more confident in their ability to be considered for speaking engagements. Medical education experts will offer their best practices on prepping for success, effective teaching, knowing your audience and PowerPoint 101. The initial group will then be broken down into small sessions and participants will offer a short presentation and receive and give feedback within the group.
When finished the program, graduates will be able to:
- Create effective learning objectives when preparing a presentation
- Give interactive sessions and improve engagement with the audience
- Know how to foster inclusion, equity and a positive learning climate
- Create impactful and informative PowerPoints
How to Apply
To be eligible, applicants must be a NASPGHAN member, faculty (graduate of a Pediatric GI fellowship program), and based in North America.
Submission Requirements:
- Completed application
- CV
- Permission from Chair/Division Chief, acquiring during the application process
Deadlines for consideration of inclusion the 2025 Program will be released shortly. Please watch this site, and your email!
2024 DEEP Program Graduates
NASPGHAN offers its congratulations to the participants of the 2024 DEEP Program – Developing Educators and Expert Presenters. Many thanks to all who worked to put the program together, especially Dr. Uma Phatak, Chair of the DEEP Program and Dr. Christine Waasdorp Hurtado, Chair of the Medical Education SIG.
Congratulations to all!