Leading the Fight for Children's Digestive Health
Millions of children are living with digestive and nutritional disorders. The NASPGHAN Foundation was founded to advance the treatment and management of these conditions.
About the Foundation
Improving the Future for Kids with Digestive Disorders
Mission: The NASPGHAN Foundation funds and supports the professional and patient education and research missions of NASPGHAN.
The NASPGHAN Foundation was founded by the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN), a professional society of more than 2,800 pediatric gastroenterologists, to promote awareness and research of pediatric digestive and nutritional disorders, including:
- Constipation
- Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Nutrition and Obesity
- Reflux and GERD
- Liver, pancreatic and other disorders
The NASPGHAN Foundation promotes research, education, and awareness of these and other conditions. We create patient education materials for families and children. We develop educational materials for medical professionals including slide sets, webinars, monographs, web based education modules and a variety of other tools which aid practitioners in the care of children with digestive disorders. We invite you to explore the Professional Resources section of this website as well as GIKids.org and Digestive Topics A-Z for patient education materials.
If you are a health care professional, please consult our research and medical professional resources. If you are a parent or patient explore GIKids, which is our site where you can learn more about pediatric digestive disorders.
To learn more about the Foundation research grants, explore the Foundation Grants page.
2023 NASPGHAN Foundation Member Donors
Thank you to our members for their generous donations.
Champions ($1,000 and up)
Jane Balint, MD
John A. Barnard MD
Valeria Cohran MD
Raye-Ann O. De Regnier MD
Carlo Di Lorenzo MD
Benjamin D. Gold MD
Janet K. Harnsberger MD
Susan J. Henning PhD
Melvin B. Heyman MD
Abraham Jelin MD
Rohit Kohli MD
Jenifer R. Lightdale MD, MPH
Sarah Long MD
Mark E. Lowe MD, PhD
Andrew Mulberg MD
Kevin O’Meara MD
David A. Piccoli MD
Jyoti Ramakrishna MD
Shehzad A. Saeed MD
Ann O. Scheimann MD, MBA
Philip M. Sherman MD, FRCPC
James Squires MD, MS
Robin Steinhorn
Aliye Uc MD
Menno Verhave MD
Barry K. Wershil MD
Harland S. Winter MD
Melawati Yuwono, MD