Pediatric Digestive Concerns: Nutritional Issues in Children and Adolescents March 31 8PM ET April 1 7AM (GMT +7) CME and MOC Part II Webinar We are proud to bring you our fifth collaboration with APPSPGHAN, When East Meets the West in Pediatric Digestive Concerns: Nutritional Issues in Children and Adolescents. This webinar will cover important
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To recognize Women’s History Month, NASPGHAN would like to highlight Captain Lynelle M. Boamah, MD, MEd.
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NASPGHAN is proud to celebrate the continued contributions made by our female members!
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The deadline for submission is March 15, 2023. Application Form Purpose: To develop a program at multiple sites throughout the U.S. and Canada through which medical students can have 10-week research experience under the mentorship of basic or clinical scientists with a research focus in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, or nutrition. Candidates: Students in good standing
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To recognize Black History Month, NASPGHAN would like to highlight Tanisha Richards, NP, a member of APGNN, an identical twin, wife, and mother to an amazing daughter.
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View the celebratory I am NASPGHAN video. NASPGHAN celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2022. The occasion highlighted the Society’s history with a timeline detailing the seminal events that have made NASPGHAN into the organization it is today. Professor Jim Heubi proposed that a concerted effort be made to develop a comprehensive, yet concise history of
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NEW WEBINAR! Children with Cholestatic Liver Disease: Nutrition January 11, 2023 8PM ET Children with cholestatic liver diseases have unique nutritional requirements. Without bile reaching their intestines, they often suffer from fat-malabsorption and associated consequences. As a result, they require formulas with special fat preparations, as well as intensive monitoring to ensure adequate growth. They also
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NASPGHAN is proud to recognize November as National Native American Heritage Month. We acknowledge that we are not the traditional stewards of North American lands, and we must commit to understanding the histories and current experiences of Native Americans. NASPGHAN is committed to improving the healthcare status of all children and decreasing the disparities created
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NASPGHAN is pleased to have added new On Demand webinars to its offerings, along with upcoming LIVE events! The What, How and Ifs of Optimizing Early Childhood Growth and Long-Term Outcomes, Part Two LIVE WEBINAR DECEMBER 7, 2022 8:00 PM ET CME/MOC/CPE Webinar Understanding normal childhood growth is essential for quick recognition and intervention for
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October 21, 2022 Washington, D.C. — Today, a new safety standard takes effect for high-powered magnets, which will protect children from the serious injuries or death that can occur when two or more magnets are ingested. The rule, released by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) last month, puts the rigorous safety standard
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