Maintenance of Certification News
The Boards have Changed and MOCA Pediatric GI is Now Available
For those of you due for an upcoming board exam – your schedule has likely been shifted to start MOCA Pediatric GI. Check your own ABP portfolio to figure out your specific situation.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is the continuous assessment version of the boards. If you have been keeping up your general pediatric certification, there has been an ongoing pilot that has been successful for general pediatrics after which MOCA Pedatric GI is modeled (pass rate for the MOCA general pediatrics is 95%). Essentially, beginning at the start of your cycle, you will receive up to 20 timed questions every quarter. You will have 3 months (the quarter) to answer them, in one batch or one-by-one. You can answer the questions on your computer, tablet or smartphone. You will receive immediate feedback on your selected answers (right v. wrong and references) and you will have access to previously answered questions. To pass the boards in MOCA, you have to pass 12 quarters every 5 years. You also get to throw out your 4 worst quarters (they are thrown out for you). This means that basically you can skip a quarter every year and still pass in 4 years (In the 5th year, if you have passed by then, you won’t have to get additional questions in your 5th year).
There is no additional fee. The cost is covered in your 5-year MOC cycle fees.
If you don’t pass by your 4th year of your 5-year cycle, you can take the 5th year in pursuit of 12 quarters of passing or opt for the in-person exam (safest option to ensure continuous certification). HOWEVER, you must pay an additional fee ($265) for the in-person exam.
That is your choice, but there is an additional fee ($265).
To find out what and when you need to accomplish your MOC tasks, log onto your ABP Profile via (, click on “Maintenance of Certification” and then “My MOC Requirements,” which indicates when the various activities are due to be completed. “Parts 2 and 4 Activity Search” will allow you to search for specific activities in categories such as “Pediatric Gastroenterology”.
As of December 31, 2023 NASPGHAN is no longer taking registrations for its MOC Part IV modules. If you working an existing MOC Part IV module through NASPGHAN, we will support that product until completion and ABP upload.
NASPGHAN Part II MOC Activities
You can receive MOC Part II credits with select NASPGHAN activities.
• There are hundreds of MOC Part II opportunities on NASPGHAN's learning management platform, LearnOnLine. You can access the activities - which include live webinars, on demand webinars, articles and more, here.
• Successful completion of the NASPGHAN board review course-CME activity enables the participant to earn 24 MOC Part II points in the American Board of Pediatrics’ (ABP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. Register for the review course.
• NASPGHAN also provides the ABP with FREE pediatric gastroenterology self-assessment activities that provide 10 MOC Part II points each (generally, 3 are available each year). These activities involve reading articles and answering multiple-choice questions and, thus, can be done in one sitting. These can be found under Part II activities (put in search term PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY) in your ABP MOC portfolio.
NASPGHAN Part III MOC Activity (Boards) Advice and Preparation Activities
In its current format (an exam once every 10 years), pediatric subspecialty recertification tests are offered by the ABP ONLY TWICE per year.
Registrants should log into their own ABP portfolio to register for the test by the year of their due date at the BEGINNING of the year. We advise that you do this in January so that you know when the tests are offered. The ABP offers NO EXCEPTIONS if you do not complete this activity on time (i.e. miss the dates for examination) - which means that you will have to restart your MOC program again with additional activities AND fees.
As mentioned above, NASPGHAN offers a review course to help you prepare for this activity and also provides associated MOC Part II points.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) have partnered to bring you an exclusive offer:
NASPGHAN members receive 22% off* the standard annual subscription rate ($269) for PREP® GI!
Take advantage of this special offer at:
PREP GI is an online self-assessment perfect for pediatric review and lifelong learning. Delivers clinically relevant, peer reviewed questions; in-depth discussions; and references for further study- all mapped to the ABP subspecialty content specifications. Several editions are currently available and accessible for 3 years from initial release date. For a free trial visit
*The 22% discount for NASPGHAN members is calculated off non-member rates. Pricing and specifications are subject to change without notice.
CDHNF, NASPGHAN and AAP launch a new quality improvement course for Pediatric practice: