Check out the NEW available webinars!

NASPGHAN is pleased to have added new On Demand webinars to its offerings, along with upcoming LIVE events!

The What, How and Ifs of Optimizing Early Childhood Growth and Long-Term Outcomes, Part Two
DECEMBER 7, 2022
8:00 PM ET
Understanding normal childhood growth is essential for quick recognition and intervention for deviations in growth and nutrient intake associated with long-term risk for disease and poor health. This Part Two webinar focuses on a nutritional assessment approach that quickly recognizes disease, nutritional management of childhood feeding disorders, and principles and strategies for weaning children from dependence on tube feeds.
Supported by an educational grant from Reckitt/Mead Johnson Nutrition

Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI: A CPNP Webinar
Critical factors are often overlooked when addressing obesity such as racial discrimination, disability status, and environmental factors. In conjunction, “weight stigma”, or bias that devalues people with larger bodies, can cause increased morbidity and mortality, independent of BMI. This informative and interactive webinar will help healthcare providers recognize weight stigma and promote a positive relationship with food, particularly in patients with GI-related health conditions and those following therapeutic diets.
Supported by an educational grant from Abbott

Teaching Effectively to All Stages at All Ages
CME/MOC Webinar
Designed to help all levels of faculty become more effective educators, this webinar uses specific educational cases to help the attendants assess learners knowledge to identify gaps. Different techniques for bedside teaching will be demonstrated, along with a high-yield didactic session to obtain a better understanding of different approaches. Curricular design with needs assessment, tips for development and how to assess the completed curriculum are also covered, and much more!
Supported by the NASPGHAN Education Special Interest Group

Children with Cholestatic Liver Disease: Diagnostics (part one of a four-part series)
CME/MOC Webinar
Diagnosis of cholestasis needs an array of investigations, including blood tests, imaging, genetic testing, and invasive procedures like liver biopsy.  This webinar will discuss when to perform a liver biopsy to gain the maximum benefit out of this invasive procedure, its utility, and limitations, and also examine in-depth the rapidly evolving field of Genetic Cholestasis.
Supported by educational grants from Albireo, Mirum and Travere

The What, How and Ifs of Optimizing Early Childhood Growth and Long-Term Outcomes
Join us as we talk about how to implement nutrient and non-nutrient factors that optimize long-term health, recognize childhood growth and nutrient intake patterns associated with disease, childhood microbiome and long-term risk for disease, and early diagnosis and management strategies for childhood feeding disorders.
Supported by an educational grant from Reckitt / Mead Johnson Nutrition

NASPGHAN/APPSPGHAN Joint Webinar: Pediatric Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI): East and West Perspectives
CME/MOC Webinar
September 16, 2022
This fourth joint webinar brings you two topics – Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders: Is There An Ideal Management? and Challenging DGBIs: What Can We Do?  These webinars were created to foster unity and collaboration between NASPGHAN and APPSPGHAN.  We aim to learn by sharing our knowledge and perspectives on pediatric gastrointestinal and liver diseases as well as nutrition issues.


Our Partners
The Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Nurses
Help & Hope for Children with Digestive Disorders
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
JPGN Reports