Recent News

Webinar – A New Worldwide Enigma: Increased Reporting of Cases of Acute Hepatitis in Children

Join NASPGHAN and AASLD on June 1st at 12:00pm EDT for a timely webinar about the recent outbreak of acute hepatitis in children. Register and save your seat! PRESENTERS Helena Gutierrez Sanchez, MD Hannah L. Kirking, MD Philippa Easterbrook, MD, FRCP, MPH, DTM&H John Ward, MD Saeed Mohammad, MD MODERATORS Estella Alonso, MD Saul

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Dr. B U.K. Li facing the camera and smiling

NASPGHAN Celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

To recognize #AsianAmericanandPacificIslanderHeritageMonth, we want to highlight a member of @NASPGHAN, who has made a significant impact in our field, Dr. B U.K. Li. Dr. Li is an expert in cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) and spearheaded the effort to define and standardize the diagnostic and management protocols. He has published extensively on CVS and has received

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Arab American Heritage Month

Arab American Heritage Month Profile: Fayez K. Ghishan, MD

To recognize Arab American Heritage Month, we want to highlight a member of NASPGHAN who has made a significant impact in our field. Dr. Ghishan is internationally recognized for his research in pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. In the course of his career, he has authored more than 400 publications including original articles, editorials, abstracts, book

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Arab American Heritage Month

NASPGHAN Celebrates Arab American Heritage Month

NASPGHAN is proud to recognize April as Arab American Heritage Month and acknowledge the contributions of our members with Arab heritage. There are about 3.5 million Arab Americans including many health care providers including active NASPGHAN members. Arab America and the Arab America Foundation launched the National Arab American Heritage Month initiative in 2017. In

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Women’s History Month Profile: Dr. Kathleen Schwarz

To recognize Women’s History Month, we want to highlight a member of NASPGHAN who has made a significant impact on our field. Kathleen Schwarz, M.D. is currently Professor of Pediatrics Emerita at Johns Hopkins and Associate Physician Diplomate at UCSD/Rady Children’s. She is a past president of NASPGHAN as well as past president of the

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High-powered magnets ingested

Take Action to Support New Magnet Safety Standard

Your help is needed to protect children from dangerous high-powered magnets. The North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) are jointly calling upon their members to voice support for a new safety standard for high-powered magnets recently proposed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

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Women's History Month

NASPGHAN Celebrates Women’s History Month

According to our 2021 member survey, 56% of NASPGHAN members self-identified as female. NASPGHAN is proud to celebrate the continued contributions made by our female members who have been both pivotal to the success and growth of this society as well as more globally to the fields of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology! Recognized as an

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Asian Pan Pacific Society

NASPGHAN APPSPGHAN Joint Webinar, March 11

Pediatric Liver Transplantation: The East and West Perspectives March 11 8PM ET Chairs: Benjamin Gold, MD Suporn Treepongkaruna, MD Moderators: Winita Hardikar, PhD Mercedes Martinez, MD Concepts and Challenges in Pediatric Living Donor Liver Transplantation Professor Mureo Kasahara Professor Jaimie Nathan Management Outcomes of Pediatric Liver Transplantation: Current Status and Future Perspectives Professor Kyung Mo

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Our Partners
The Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Nurses
Help & Hope for Children with Digestive Disorders
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
JPGN Reports